
Random facts

  • I live on the North Wales coast, in the UK.
  • But I'm originally from Liverpool.
  • I'm married to the love of my life, Helen.
  • I have a passion for the Internet.
  • Employed as a Full Stack Developer (see disclaimer).
  • I help run the Manchester Java Community
  • I was a co-founder of Brandsauce (that's me on the left) a revolutionary online service based upon 3d rendering. I'm also listed as a co-inventor on the patent covering the service.
  • I used to own and run the Reload-Network group of games sites along with a great team of volunteers, including the flagship game mod coverage site Total-Reload.
  • I used to be a partner in SirenHost a UK based web hosting company.


E-mail: jonbullock AT gmail.com
Twitter/X: @jonbullock


This is my personal web site, the opinions expressed here are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.

Any content created and posted on this web site is the copyright of Jonathan Bullock. Any re-publishing of this content without my express permission is strictly prohibited. The RSS feed for this site is for personal use only.


The site is "homebaked" by my own custom blog aware static site generator called JBake written in Java.

Last updated: 01 April 2024