
It finally feels right to follow up my last post with a post about Stephen, my son, who turned 1 this month.

I'd like to think it was destiny that Stephen was born just over a year to the date that his sister was.

Another milestone... I've gone from counting how old he is in weeks, to months and now it's years. While the year feels like it's flown by, a lot has happened when I think back. He's changed so, so much in just a year. He's learnt to roll over, to sit up, to crawl and now he's started to pull himself up. Walking is the next big step to look forward to (or maybe not!), now that his first teeth have finally made an appearance.

For his first birthday we took him to Anglesey Sea Zoo, although I think he was more interested in the shiny metal around each of the exhibits than the marine life contained within. Anyway it was an enjoyable family day out.

Being a father has been one of the most challenging, but at the same time, rewarding things I've ever experienced and I cannot wait for whatever happens next.