Time for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

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Just before Christmas I purchased a new hard disk for my aging Dell Studio 15 laptop as a little treat to myself. I went for the Seagate Momentus XT 750GB, which is a hybrid SSD drive, in the hope it would give the old laptop a new lease of life.

I had, originally, been looking at a traditional SSD but a co-worker pointed me in the direction of the Seagate hybrid range. After doing a bit of research to see whether real life measurements matched the marketing hype I took the plunge and ordered the 750GB version (comes with a 8GB SSD built in).

Thanks to the new drive I've taken the opportunity to finally move up to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I had been waiting until the first point revision had been released but co-workers experiences with Unity made me put off the upgrade a bit longer. So I'll be posting a few tweaks for things in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS that I've come across so far while setting it up.