SCJP: Putting it to good use

I'm in the middle of studying for what used to be called the Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java SE 6 exam, think it's known as the Oracle Certified Professional for Java SE 6 exam now. I thought I knew Java pretty well but there was so much of the language I've hardly used that I need to know to pass the exam. So to aid in the learning process I'm going to try and put what I've learnt so far to good use by re-writting JBake.

There are a few features I'd like to add to JBake before I release it but I've been meaning to restructure it for a while so now seems as good a time as any.

Oh and I highly recommend the SCJP Java SE 6 Study Guide book by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. There should be a Java SE 7 version due out in a couple of months too.