I'm Jonathan Bullock; creator of JBake, developer with a passion for the Internet, geek, gadget lover and fan of far too many sports. I occasionally give talks and tweet every now and then.
21 March 2011
I needed to migrate an existing Subversion repository to a new server today, here's how I did it:
1. Dump your existing Subversion repository to a compressed file.
svnadmin dump /path/to/repo | gzip > /tmp/repo.svn.gz
2. Transfer the compressed file to the new server.
scp /tmp/repo.svn.gz user@server:/path/to/
3. Create a new Subversion repository on the new server.
svnadmin create /path/to/repo
4. Decompress the repository dump file and import it into the new Subversion repository.
gzip -cd /path/to/repo.svn.gz | svnadmin load --force-uuid /path/to/repo